Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My "game plan" is to seek each day as an opportunity to begin with a clean slate.  I will avoid neither risk nor responsibility or fear failure and I will use each day as an opportunity to use up all my potential.

I wanted to share with you that I have been back and forth between Cedar Falls and Iowa City the past few days.  The plan at this point is to go in for Oral Surgery Thursday morning at University Hospitals in Iowa City.  I have an 8:00 an appointment, so.... "On the road again!"  I must have my 4 wisdom teeth pulled prior to treatment which is a standard procedure with head, neck and throat cancer.  Guess I learn something new every day. I've worked hard to keep my teeth in good shape, but you have to do what you have to do. It will take 7-10 days to heal before we can begin "practice sessions" of radiation and chemotherapy.  Those treatments will then begin immediately after, probably around spring break.  I need to share that my "emotional bank" was running a deficit Monday morning when I came to school.  It has been a rough couple of weeks for me and my family.  I also need to say that by the end of the day, my "emotional bank" was overflowing because of the support and prayers you all have been offering for us!  I can't tell you how much that means as I "train" for this fight.  I am preparing physically, emotionally and spiritually for the battle.  I know that on some days, one or more of those "ingredients" may drop off a bit.  If so, I'll work on the others to pick me up!  My love for all of you runs deep, and I know that all of you are willing to help as needed.  That is appreciated.  I do want you to know that the "coach" in me has surfaced again... Imagine that!  I have polished off my "game plan" that I developed when I first became a Principal a "few" years back.  I want to share it with you so you can continue to hold me accountable as I move forward.

My "game plan" is to seek each day as an opportunity to begin with a clean slate.  I will avoid neither risk nor responsibility or fear failure and I will use each day as an opportunity to use up all my potential.

I will seek to build complementary relationships with family, friends and associates.  I will make daily deposits in the emotional bank accounts of others and in some way, find a way to say thanks to God every day.

I prefer to let my work speak for me and believe in achieving visibility through my productivity.

I will always deal with others with honesty and integrity, tolerance and compassion, evenness and consideration.

I will dedicate my remaining years to helping others find purpose in their lives, ensuring that my influence on others is consistent with my values and principles.

I will accomplish this "game plan" keeping a daily balance with my spiritual, family, physical, social-emotional and job responsibilities.

If I drop off on some of my game plan, be ready to remind me of it!  This community is one I am so proud to call home!

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