Saturday, May 4, 2019

Reflections from the Home Team, May 5, 2019

“We may not always have the answers and be able to fix every problem, but by stepping into others’ lives, and helping bear their burdens while walking through their pain with them by listening and being present, we can help them endure some of life’s hardships… and maybe even have some fun along the way!” 

Greetings from Cedar Falls!

Well, it appears spring has finally arrived!  After surviving a record winter of snowfall here in Iowa, I am so ready for some warmth and sunshine.  I have recently spent quite a bit of time thinking about and reflecting on some of the hardships that have been a part of not only my life this past winter, but also the lives of others that have intersected with my life’s journey throughout this past year. Lot’s of “THINKING” going on!

One thing that has struck me as I think about and reflect on each of those challenges is the importance of the love, patience and wisdom that my “Home Team” has provided along the way.  I have also witnessed that same love, patience and wisdom being extended to others I have known or read about who have been enduring hardships as well. Let me share just one of those examples that I had read about late last fall. 

A young lady had been experiencing what she felt was a hopeless situation and saw no reason to continue living. She felt no purpose in her life and decided to walk out to the edge of a local pier, closed her eyes and jumped into the cold, dark waters below. As this happened, a young man who was walking nearby saw what had happened, and before he could even think about what had just happened, he jumped off the pier into the freezing water below to help her. Only one thing he had forgotten to consider… He didn’t know how to swim!  As he was struggling to keep his head above water, the young lady worked her way over to him and began to help him.

They both survived and as a result, the young lady realized she did have a purpose, that being to love and serve others!  It wasn’t just the fact that the young man reacted quickly to try and save her life through a great act of heroism, but rather that someone saw her pain and cared enough to “jump in” and endure it with her!

Sometimes we can “overthink” things when we face life’s challenges, whatever those may be.  I know I’ve often been guilty of that, spending some sleepless nights pondering things I literally have no control over. That’s when one of my favorite “baseballism’s” taken from one of my all time favorite movies, The Sandlot, lightens my mind.  “Man, this is baseball, you gotta stop thinking and just have fun!”  Maybe that can be our call in helping others help bear their burdens…   When it comes to loving others, isn’t that the call of our lives?  We may not always have the answers and be able to fix every problem, but by stepping into others’ lives, and helping bear their burdens while walking through their pain with them by listening and being present, we can help them endure some of life’s hardships… and maybe even have some fun along the way! 

John 16:33 provides us a comforting thought when it comes to enduring hardships…“ I have told you these things so that you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world.” A good reminder that helps us remember that no matter what may come our way, He is always there with us!

I have been blessed to be part of a morning Men’s Study and we have been discussing the Book of Job.  Lot’s of wisdom in that room each Wednesday morning!  Wow… talk about hardships in life!! Job was challenged with hardships by the evil one to the extreme, repeatedly testing his faith. Each of us is tested on a daily basis as well and when facing those challenges, it is helpful to pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.

Some thoughts about wisdom shared by a good friend have been very helpful for me, and I wanted to share those thoughts with each of you. Being a teacher, coach and principal, my thoughts regarding wisdom have always been influenced and shaped from a teaching perspective. 

“In scripture, God’s wisdom is named “Sophia” the Greek word for wisdom.  Her gift to us is to trust the flow of life, trust our experiences and intuitive knowing. The following traits of wisdom have been helpful for me as I float along life’s river…

Intelligent: Wisdom has the ability to keenly observe what IS…

Holy: Wisdom will cultivate a heart that is transparent to what IS…

Unique: Wisdom will realize that we are all a special and unrepeatable manifestation of God…

Subtle: Wisdom teaches us to learn to act without coercion….

Flowing: Wisdom teaches us to cut with the grain and tack with the wind…

Transparent:  Wisdom will allow us to cleanse ourselves of selfishness…

Pure: Wisdom teaches us to cleanse our minds of drama…

Distinct: Wisdom teaches us to honor our uniqueness and ourselves…

Invulnerable: Wisdom teaches us to be like water, yielding while embracing…

Good: Wisdom teaches us to work for the welfare of self and others…

Keen: Wisdom teaches us to learn to distinguish between truth and propaganda…

Irresistible: Wisdom teaches us to cultivate integrity and trustworthiness…

Gracious: Wisdom teaches us to make room for others…

Humane: Wisdom teaches us to treat all with respect…

Faithful: Wisdom teaches us to say what we mean and do what we say…

Sure:  Wisdom teaches us to rest in the way…”

The Lord offers wisdom freely; however, many times we don’t bother to ask and, therefore receive it. True wisdom is something that we all need. Like grace, wisdom is something God offers as a gift simply by asking Him. Wisdom has very little to do with cognitive development or education. It has everything to do with the anointing of God to help us see what is right and what is wrong, to know what to do and when to do it.

Wisdom does not come with a sheepskin of a diploma or certification, and should always be used to demonstrate how to love each other, even though we may have differences. Spending some quiet time in prayer seeking God’s guidance, while infusing these “traits of wisdom” in our daily walk can help each of us endure any “curve balls” that life may toss our way!

Blessings to each of you!

In Christ’s love and comfort,


Are you or someone you know fighting cancer... struggling with the physical, emotional and spiritual issues that accompany a cancer journey or other serious health issue? Making ourselves available to others can open up the doors of opportunity for deeper relationships, healing, and transformation. For many, time is one of the most valuable commodities in today's fast-paced world. Sharing time with others is a wonderful gift. It says, "Here I am. . . for you. To listen, to care, to serve." The power of presence should never be underestimated!  

Be an encourager in someone else’s life!

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