Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reflections From the Home Team, December 11, 2011

Reflections from the Home Team, December 10, 2011

“Though all three men faced the same hardship, their differing perceptions of it appeared to be shaping their fates. Louie and Phil's hope displaced their fear and inspired them to work toward their survival and each success renewed their physical and emotional vigor. Mac's resignation seemed to paralyze him and the less he participated in their efforts to survive, the more he slipped. Though he did the least, as the days passed, it was he who faded the most. Louie and Phil's optimism, and Mac's hopelessness was becoming self-fulfilling.”  Louis Zamperini

Greetings from Cedar Falls,

I just wanted to fill you all in following my regular 3 month check in Iowa City this past week. Lab work and screens on Thursday revealed what I was expecting for the most part.  The aches and pains from the treatment regimen continue with some additional pain I've been experiencing in my upper back. That problem has been intensifying over the past few weeks.  It appears that the arthritis from the radiation treatments in my neck and jaw area has found an additional home in my upper spinal area.  The good news is that no cancer cells appeared to be present. Amen.  Some treatment options were shared, all of which have additional side effects and I've decided to hold off on them as long as possible and just stick with some anti-inflammatory "stuff" to get through it.  I told my doctor that I continue to work out every day, and it's tough to get loose in the mornings, but once I get going, it seems to dissipate a bit.  Guess it’s more about "mindset" than medication at this point.  I think the ups and downs of not knowing what may be next are the most difficult part of the journey…

As usual, I had my nose in a book, (actually a couple of books) to help pass the time waiting and to seek some inspiration from others who may be struggling with their own "mindset" as they faced some of life's challenges.  Nearing Home by Billy Graham was the first book, which in turn inspired me to read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.  Both reads offered some wonderful suggestions on dealing with some of the challenges all of us may someday face in life and I'd strongly recommend them.  Billy Graham focuses on several things that struck home with me such as; living a life that matters, staying strong despite your circumstances, and most importantly, the hope of Heaven, which are subjects that span all generations and circumstances. He says that the Bible makes it clear that God has a specific reason for keeping us here.  He models how we not only learn to cope with the fears and struggles and growing limitations we face as we age, but actually how we can grow stronger inwardly in the midst of these difficulties.  Graham starts out his first chapter using a sports analogy (I always relate to those...).  He discusses how he loved baseball and was focused on pursuing it more until God got a hold of his life and changed his direction. The chapter is aptly named “Running Toward Home.”  (Sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it...) Starting in the first pages and continuing throughout the book, he candidly discusses the hardships associated with aging and the challenges it brings to all.  I especially like how he not only describes how to deal with aging, but also how to prepare for it!  Some sound advice for all ages.

 Unbroken I just couldn't put down...I found myself dog tired after reading it, having spent much of the night reading, eager to find out whether the story of Louis Zamperini, Olympic runner turned World War II POW, ends in redemption or despair … the following quote made quite an impact on me while Louis and two other POW's faced internment in the Japanese Prison camps:

“Though all three men faced the same hardship, their differing perceptions of it appeared to be shaping their fates. Louie and Phil's hope displaced their fear and inspired them to work toward their survival, and each success renewed their physical and emotional vigor. Mac's resignation seemed to paralyze him and the less he participated in their efforts to survive, the more he slipped. Though he did the least, as the days passed, it was he who faded the most. Louie and Phil's optimism, and Mac's hopelessness, was becoming self-fulfilling.” 

What a message for anyone who may be facing the ups and downs of a cancer journey, or for that matter, any challenges they may be facing in life. I experienced this back in Iowa City when 6 of us entered treatments with the same diagnosis and only 3 of us made it through. Our mindset of either optimism or hopelessness can most certainly become self-fulfilling!

My visits to Iowa City and the opportunities I have had to visit with others who are facing similar journeys always brings to mind Regina Brett’s quote in God Never Blinks; 

“If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.” 

That certainly has rung true for me over the past two years, and I so appreciate the love and support all of you have provided both me and my family throughout that journey. As we prepare for the Christmas season, let’s take the time to pause and reflect on what should be in the Christmas "gift box". KEEP IT SIMPLE, and make a path for Jesus to come into our hearts as we face our daily challenges while allowing our optimism to become self-fulfilling in each of our lives.

Wishing each of you a Merry Christmas and a productive and enjoyable New Year.

 Link to:  Reflections from the Home Team BLOG

Link to Vimeo: Reflections from the "Home Team"... Go the Distance

Link to: Tommy Emmanuel and "Angelina"

Monday, September 19, 2011

Reflections From the Home Team September 19, 2011

                     Reflections from the Home Team, September 19, 2011

"Don’t complain, just work harder.  It was in his contract not to complain, even when the fans spit on him. You can spend it complaining or playing the game hard. The latter is likely to be more effective." Randy Pausch

Greetings to all from Cedar Falls...

Wanted to update everyone on my Journey which has had a few bumps in the road over the past month or so...  I have been dealing with the jaw pain that has been there for some time as well as more difficulty swallowing with some inflammation and soreness in my throat.  Has been pretty persistent and not improved.  Tricia won't acknowledge she has been punching me or choking me in my sleep, so I thought I'd better  get down to my doctors in Iowa City and have things checked.   After not improving for the past few weeks, my concern was that the cancer had returned, which has been part of my "roller coaster ride" since the spring of 2009.  Had a pretty thorough check in Iowa City with some "reconstruction work" done in my throat Friday, and just got the good news that the cancer has not returned.  Other than having a voice that sounds like Luca Brasi (of Godfather fame) and having a tender throat, I'm doing OK today  and I'm getting some energy back. 

This has been a hard few weeks with a pretty demanding schedule on top of the worries about what could be a recurrence... Dr. Chang was optimistic as always and that seems to be contagious.  I've had quite a bit of time to reflect on some things, and as usual, a message at my Church this past Sunday again helped put things in perspective.

A series called "Family Matters" has  been focusing on Genesis and Ephesians and the fact that God observed that "It is not good that man should be alone".  That is why He created and established the gifts of marriage, family and community in His image.  I have come to realize the importance of these gifts as they offer the hope and promise of restoration and new life no matter what the world around you or your family brings your way.  Even though cancer invaded my body in the spring of 2009, it will NEVER INVADE MY SOUL!  My family, friends and community have provided me with the support that has enabled me to make it thus far, and I truly appreciate the fact that "family", "friends" and "community" continue to shape and nurture my journey with cancer.  Each of you have been a special part of that journey, and I have sincerely appreciated your thoughts, conversation and prayers through out my two year journey. 

As Randy Pausch said in his book The Last Lecture while referring to Jackie Robinson, one of my favorite all time players...
"Don’t complain, just work harder.  It was in his contract not to complain, even when the fans spit on him. You can spend it complaining or playing the game hard. The latter is likely to be more effective."  I plan to continue to "play the game hard" no matter what cards are dealt in my hand and will continue to rely on those who are close to me for support along the way.  Thank God for family and friends such as you!

Sincerely, Dave

Link to: Reflections from the Home Team BLOG

Link to Vimeo: Reflections from the "Home Team"... Go the Distance

Link to: Tommy Emmanuel and "Angelina"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

              Reflections From the Home Team,   Sunday, July 10, 2011

“Every boy has his dreams, and I’m thankful that Taylor yet again gave me the inspiration to stay upbeat in this fight.”
I wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone on my most recent visit to Iowa City.  I have been going every three months since treatments for evaluation with my team of doctors in Iowa City.  A couple weeks ago, I had my routine labs and shared I had been experiencing some “significant” pain in my jaw and neck area where the tumors had been during treatments. I had to return to Iowa City for some additional scans and Dr. Claman kept me late so we could consult with Dr. Chang and the rest of my medical team.  He shared he is the "cancer guy" and Dr. Chang is my ENT, so they both wanted to view the pictures and share where they think I'm at.  Dr. Claman shared some good news... that he doesn't feel the cancer has returned from the scans done on my neck and jaw areas... that really took a load off my mind!!!  Both he and Dr. Chang feel that I am experiencing an arthritic jaw from the extensive dental work that was done both before and after radiation treatments.  I shared that I can certainly live with that as the pain is no where near what the radiation did in my throat during treatments.  I told him the good news is this takes Tricia off the hook as I have been blaming her for "punching me out" in my sleep. He shared he can provide me some pain meds, but I think I'm going to go without as I've seen the additional complications that can develop from them in others. My hope is if I continue the therapy regimen the PT people gave me during treatments for my jaw and throat and neck, I can reduce the pain in my jaw.  We will see I guess.

This journey has been like a roller coaster ride, and often times I lose myself in reflection and sometimes don’t get the rest I should be getting. As I was waiting yet again in the
Cancer Center for results, I closed my eyes to try and rest.  A few minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes to find little Taylor, who I had met in the pharmacy during treatments back in April, 2009.  He and I had played a game of toss in the pharmacy that day and I had showed him some of my "ball tricks". He asked if I remembered him and I said you bet Taylor!  He and his mom were there for their 4 month check. I asked how he was doing and he said he was playing baseball for his Little League team this summer and his leukemia seemed to be in remission. He is now in 5th grade. He was wearing a beat up Cardinals hat, and I asked if that was his team.  He said yes, that is who he plays for, but he really liked the Braves!  His mom shared that he remembers well the day we met in the pharmacy in 2009, and always talks about the "tricks" I showed him that day.  I told Taylor and his mom I was very happy for them, and that I'm excited he is able to "get out and play again"!  I shared what an impact he had on me that day in the pharmacy during my treatments by asking me “when I could get back out and play again”!  He made me reset my goals to be able to get back out and play again.  I was actually feeling kind of low before he woke me up, and just seeing his bright smile brought me back to my senses of how much there is to do yet as far as working with young people.  As I was waiting, Taylor and his mom were getting ready to leave, so I walked them out to the parking ramp and their car.  I took Taylor to my truck as I had an extra Braves hat behind the seat.  I told him I had a Braves tryout camp coming up in August, but that you had to be at least 15 o try out, so I made him a deal.  I told him to keep playing and stay healthy so that when you turn 15, I can invite you to a Braves camp so I can watch you play.  I then took the Braves cap out of my truck and put it on his head and said, it's yours on one condition... you wear it instead of that Cardinals hat.  His eyes got as big as saucers, and he shared that would not be a problem!  I gave his mom my card and asked her to call me when she can to keep me in touch with how he is doing.  She said that would not be a problem either... I have a feeling my Guardian Angel, whom I have affectionately named ANGELINA, was there watching my back, and providing just the  answer I needed from Dr. Claman, as well as the motivation I needed to keep a positive attitude in the ups and downs of fighting this cancer thing, yet again from little Taylor.  Every boy has his dreams, and I’m thankful that Taylor gave me the inspiration to stay upbeat in this fight.  Taylor and I both our dreams, and I’m thankful we each have the opportunity to continue on and achieve them!  We have a deal, and as for me, I plan to do all I can to help all the young “Taylors” in my life become the best they can be, whether that be on the field or in the classroom!  Wishing everyone an enjoyable rest of the summer!

Sincerely, Dave

Link to: Reflections from the Home Team BLOG

Link to Vimeo: Reflections from the "Home Team"... Go the Distance

Link to: Tommy Emmanuel and "Angelina"